Fresh Fruits and Veggies in August

August is a beautiful month to get colorful and creative in the kitchen. Nature is flourishing, and the summer season is offering some of its best, freshest picks for young chefs to explore and enjoy. Here at Cooking in Bloom, we're all about encouraging your little ones to embrace the flavors and nutrition of the season.

Let's dive into what's in store!

1. Tomatoes: Plump, juicy, and vibrant, tomatoes are at their peak during August. Your young culinary artists can whip up delicious salads, and sauces, or just enjoy them fresh off the vine.

2. Corn: Sweet corn is synonymous with summer! Teach your children how to grill or steam it, and then enjoy the buttery kernels bursting with flavor.

3. Berries: Blackberries and blueberries are bountiful in August. Perfect for snacking, adding to desserts, or making jams - these antioxidant-rich treasures are a fun way to add a pop of color and health to meals.

4. Peaches: Who can resist a sweet, succulent peach? Your little chefs will love whipping up peach cobblers, and smoothies, or simply savor them fresh.

5. Cucumbers and Zucchinis: These cool and crunchy delights are amazing for salads, pickling, or even baking into zucchini bread.

6. Green Beans: Snappy and fresh, green beans are a tasty way to learn about sautéing or steaming veggies.

Emphasizing locally grown and seasonal produce not only supports our local farmers but also introduces your children to the natural rhythms of the Earth around them. The flavors are more vibrant, and the nutritional content is often at its peak.

Here at Cooking in Bloom, our cooking classes focus on this connection between food and nature with farm-to-table dishes. Our hands-on lessons encourage young chefs to explore, create, and appreciate the beautiful bounty that August offers. It's a feast for the eyes, taste buds, and soul!

Join us and let your child's culinary creativity blossom with the flavors of August. Happy cooking! 🍅🌽🍑

Chelsea Stockdale