June's Seasonal Veggies

Hey there, foodie families! With the arrival of June, it's time to bring a colorful explosion of seasonal veggies into your kitchens. And guess what? Many of these veggies are not just packed with nutrients but are also favorites among kids! So, let's dive in and explore what's fresh, nutritious, and exciting in the world of veggies this month.

First up is the ever-popular zucchini. With its mild flavor and versatility, it's a hit among the young ones. Whether you're grilling, baking, or spiralizing them into "zoodles," zucchinis are a great way to add a vibrant touch to your child's plate. Plus, they're packed with vitamin A and C!

Bell peppers are another June superstar. Crunchy and sweet, bell peppers of all colors make the perfect addition to salads, stir-fries, and even as raw sticks paired with a healthy dip for a quick snack. They're an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C – and just watch your kids' eyes light up at the sight of these brightly colored veggies!

Lastly, let's not forget about peas. These small but mighty veggies are in peak season in June. Fresh peas are sweet, juicy, and have a satisfying crunch that kids love. They are excellent in salads, pasta, or even by themselves! Plus, they're a fantastic source of fiber and protein.

Remember, at Cooking in Bloom, we believe that getting kids involved in the kitchen not only helps them learn valuable life skills but also cultivates a lifelong love for nutritious foods. So why not gather your little chefs and experiment with these seasonal veggies this summer?

Chelsea Stockdale